Summary and Analysis Fragment 2 – Quiet as it’s kept, there were no marigolds in the fall of 1941.

Claudia remembers that no marigolds bloomed that fall, and she and her sister were consumed with worry about the safe delivery of Pecola’s baby. In retrospect, nothing came from all their worries and hopes: No flowers bloomed, the baby died, and their innocence was lost forever. The seeds and earth […]

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Character List

Claudia MacTeer One of the novel’s narrators; Claudia’s childhood memories begin each of the chapters titled Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Claudia is about nine years old when the events of the novel take place. Frieda MacTeer Claudia’s older sister, about ten years old. Frieda and Claudia share a childhood […]

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About The Bluest Eye

The novel isn’t told in a straightforward narrative. In fact, the first paragraph of the novel doesn’t seem to be written by Morrison at all; it reads as if it were copied from a first-grade reading book, or primer, one that was used for decades to teach white and black […]

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Book Summary

Claudia MacTeer is now a grown woman, telling us about certain events that happened during the fall of 1941. She was only a child then, but she remembers that no marigolds bloomed that fall, and she and her friends thought it was probably because their friend and playmate, Pecola, was […]

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